Events for tag "36c3"

5G & Net Neutrality
42 min

5G & Net Neutrality

Status of the Net Neutrality Reform in Europe

Understanding millions of gates
35 min

Understanding millions of gates

Introduction to IC reverse engineering for…

15 Jahre deutsche Telematikinfrastruktur (TI)
41 min

15 Jahre deutsche Telematikinfrastruktur (TI)

Die Realität beim Arztbesuch nach 15 Jahren Entwicklung…

Open Code Verlesung
44 min

Open Code Verlesung

Lesung des öffentlichen Sourcecodes

58 min


Decoding The Cultures of Hacking One Video at a Time

Digitalisierte Migrationskontrolle
55 min

Digitalisierte Migrationskontrolle

Von Handyauswertung, intelligenten Grenzen und Datentöpfen

62 min


Social, artistic & theoretical experiments with…

Protecting the Wild
57 min

Protecting the Wild

Conservation Genomics between Taxonomy, Big Data,…

Mensch - Kunst – Maschine
62 min

Mensch - Kunst – Maschine

Mit künstlicher Intelligenz zu neuer Kunst zum…

Security Nightmares 0x14
70 min

Security Nightmares 0x14

Was Sie schon immer nicht über darüber wissen wollten wer…

Climate Modelling
46 min

Climate Modelling

The Science Behind Climate Reports

SigOver + alpha
55 min

SigOver + alpha

Signal overshadowing attack on LTE and its applications

Welcome Pattern - Theorie und Praxis
40 min

Welcome Pattern - Theorie und Praxis

(Eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion der Haecksen, der…

Science for future?
63 min

Science for future?

What we can and need to change to keep climate change low -…

ZombieLoad Attack
55 min

ZombieLoad Attack

Leaking Your Recent Memory Operations on Intel CPUs

Der Pfad von 4G zu 5G
60 min

Der Pfad von 4G zu 5G

Die Luftschnittstelle und das Core im Wandel der Zahlen

Vom Ich zum Wir
53 min

Vom Ich zum Wir

Gesellschaftlicher Wandel in den Reden im Bundestag

Confessions of a future terrorist
58 min

Confessions of a future terrorist

A rough guide to over-regulating free speech with…

Boeing 737MAX: Automated Crashes
60 min

Boeing 737MAX: Automated Crashes

Underestimating the dangers of designing a protection system

Schweiz: Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn
58 min

Schweiz: Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn

E-ID, E-Voting, Netzsperren und andere netzpolitische…

Finfisher verklagen
59 min

Finfisher verklagen

Rechtsbrüche beim Export von Überwachungssoftware

Connected Mobility hacken:
50 min

Connected Mobility hacken:

Von E-Bikes in der Connected Mobility zur Entstehung eines…

How (not) to build autonomous robots
54 min

How (not) to build autonomous robots

Fables from building a startup in Silicon Valley

Leaving legacy behind
52 min

Leaving legacy behind

Reducing carbon footprint of network services with MirageOS…

Grow your own planet
61 min

Grow your own planet

How simulations help us understand the Universe

61 min


In welcher digitalen Welt werden wir leben?

Infrastructures in a horizontal farmers community
40 min

Infrastructures in a horizontal farmers community

Human agreements, comunication infrastructures, services in…

Don't Ruck Us Too Hard - Owning Ruckus AP Devices
48 min

Don't Ruck Us Too Hard - Owning Ruckus AP Devices

3 different RCE vulnerabilities on Ruckus Wireless access…

Hirne Hacken
43 min

Hirne Hacken

Menschliche Faktoren der IT-Sicherheit

How to Break PDFs
58 min

How to Break PDFs

Breaking PDF Encryption and PDF Signatures

Wohnungsbot: An Automation-Drama in Three Acts
40 min

Wohnungsbot: An Automation-Drama in Three Acts

A media-art project which automates the search for flats in…

Megatons to Megawatts
59 min

Megatons to Megawatts

Military warheads as a source of nuclear fuel

Harry Potter and the Not-So-Smart Proxy War
35 min

Harry Potter and the Not-So-Smart Proxy War

Taking a look at a covert CIA virtual fencing solution

HAL - The Open-Source Hardware Analyzer
60 min

HAL - The Open-Source Hardware Analyzer

A dive into the foundations of hardware reverse engineering…

The Internet of rubbish things and bodies
52 min

The Internet of rubbish things and bodies

A review of the best art & tech projects from 2019. With a…

SELECT code_execution FROM * USING SQLite;
46 min

SELECT code_execution FROM * USING SQLite;

--Gaining code execution using a malicious SQLite database

Speaking Fiction To Power
43 min

Speaking Fiction To Power

Strategies and tactics to ‘hack’ public spaces and social…

Reducing Carbon in the Digital Realm
61 min

Reducing Carbon in the Digital Realm

How to understand the environmental impact of the digital…

62 min


Auditing Boot Loaders by Example

50 min


The sumo robot fight for the technically ungifted

38 min


A Tool for Analyzing the Fairness of Electronic Devices

An ultrashort history of ultrafast imaging
60 min

An ultrashort history of ultrafast imaging

Featuring the shortest movies and the largest lasers

The Great Escape of ESXi
40 min

The Great Escape of ESXi

Breaking Out of a Sandboxed Virtual Machine

The KGB Hack: 30 Years Later
47 min

The KGB Hack: 30 Years Later

Looking back at the perhaps most dramatic instance of…

Inside the Fake Like Factories
60 min

Inside the Fake Like Factories

How thousands of Facebook, You Tube and Instagram pages…

Intel Management Engine deep dive
60 min

Intel Management Engine deep dive

Understanding the ME at the OS and hardware level

The Ultimate Acorn Archimedes talk
58 min

The Ultimate Acorn Archimedes talk

Everything about the Archimedes computer (with zero…

Art against Facebook
40 min

Art against Facebook

Graffiti in the ruins of the feed and the…

Vehicle immobilization revisited
55 min

Vehicle immobilization revisited

Uncovering and assessing a second authentication mechanism…

Hacker Jeopardy
115 min

Hacker Jeopardy

Zahlenraten für Geeks

Let’s play Infokrieg
46 min

Let’s play Infokrieg

Wie die radikale Rechte (ihre) Politik gamifiziert

The Planet Friendly Web
38 min

The Planet Friendly Web

Warum unser Web nachhaltiger werden muss und wie wir das…

Warum die Card10 kein Medizinprodukt ist
62 min

Warum die Card10 kein Medizinprodukt ist

Was müssen Medizinproduktehersteller einhalten (und was…

TamaGo - bare metal Go framework for ARM SoCs.
59 min

TamaGo - bare metal Go framework for ARM SoCs.

Reducing the attack surface with pure embedded Go.

Human Rights at a Global Crossroads
63 min

Human Rights at a Global Crossroads

Whistleblowers and the Cases of The Snowden Refugees and…

Cryptography demystified
53 min

Cryptography demystified

An introduction without maths

Quantum Computing: Are we there yet?
61 min

Quantum Computing: Are we there yet?

An introduction to quantum computing and a review of the…

Gerechtigkeit 4.0
38 min

Gerechtigkeit 4.0

Makroökonomische Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den…

Was hat die PSD2 je für uns getan?
60 min

Was hat die PSD2 je für uns getan?

Pleiten, Pech und Pannen in der Zahlungsdiensteregulierung

TrustZone-M(eh): Breaking ARMv8-M's security
57 min

TrustZone-M(eh): Breaking ARMv8-M's security

Hardware attacks on the latest generation of ARM Cortex-M…

Hacking (with) a TPM
37 min

Hacking (with) a TPM

Don't ask what you can do for TPMs, Ask what TPMs can do…

42 min


How to convert standard wifi dongles into digital broadcast…

Das nützlich-unbedenklich Spektrum
63 min

Das nützlich-unbedenklich Spektrum

Können wir Software bauen, die nützlich /und/ unbedenklich…

Psychedelic Medicine - Hacking Psychiatry?!
40 min

Psychedelic Medicine - Hacking Psychiatry?!

Psychedelic Therapy as a fundamentally new approach to…

The ecosystem is moving
43 min

The ecosystem is moving

Challenges for distributed and decentralized technology…