Search for person "Prof. Dr. Robert Feidenhans’l"

48 min


HowTo not suck at Incident Response

Against Metadata
26 min

Against Metadata

Twisting time and space to explore the unknown

Back to basics
55 min

Back to basics

Wissenswertes aus java.lang.*

Private Cloud mit Open Source
67 min

Private Cloud mit Open Source

Anekdoten aus der privaten Cloud oder wie man mit Open…

Recht auf Vergessenwerden
73 min

Recht auf Vergessenwerden

Personenbezogene Daten können aus den Ergebnislisten von…

C.R.O.P. – Combined Regenerative Organic-food Production
31 min

C.R.O.P. – Combined Regenerative Organic-food Production

C.R.O.P., ein Forschungsprojekt des Deutschen Zentrums für…

Security Evaluation of Russian GOST Cipher
59 min

Security Evaluation of Russian GOST Cipher

Survey of All Known Attacks on Russian Government…

56 min


Integrierte Open Source Webanalyse

Quantum of Science
59 min

Quantum of Science

How quantum information differs from classical

Wie finanziere ich eine Mondmission?
47 min

Wie finanziere ich eine Mondmission?

Von Würstchen verkaufen bis Ballonflüge – ein…

Not your Grandfathers moon landing
59 min

Not your Grandfathers moon landing

Hell yeah, it's Rocket Science 3.1415926535897932384626!

Openmoko: 5 years after – What's left behind.
56 min

Openmoko: 5 years after – What's left behind.

Free software and hardware projects for mobile communication

From robot to robot
47 min

From robot to robot

Restoring creativity in school pupils using robotics

Hacking the universe
61 min

Hacking the universe

When strings are super and not made of characters

Understanding and fixing cross-compilation requirements
54 min

Understanding and fixing cross-compilation requirements

How to make your FOSS project cross-compilation friendly