35C3: Refreshing Memories

Full playlist: Video / Audio
How Facebook tracks you on Android
43 min

How Facebook tracks you on Android

(even if you don’t have a Facebook account)

Smart Home - Smart Hack
51 min

Smart Home - Smart Hack

Wie der Weg ins digitale Zuhause zum Spaziergang wird

61 min


Hacking the most popular cryptocurrency hardware wallets

Freude ist nur ein Mangel an Information
67 min

Freude ist nur ein Mangel an Information

Ein Demotivationsworkshop zur politischen Lage.

What The Fax?!
46 min

What The Fax?!

Hacking your network likes it's 1980 again

Verhalten bei Hausdurchsuchungen
61 min

Verhalten bei Hausdurchsuchungen

Praktische Hinweise für den Kontakt mit der Staatsmacht

Security Nightmares 0x13
71 min

Security Nightmares 0x13

The Ghost in the Machine
62 min

The Ghost in the Machine

An Artificial Intelligence Perspective on the Soul

Venenerkennung hacken
39 min

Venenerkennung hacken

Vom Fall der letzten Bastion biometrischer Systeme

Hackerethik - eine Einführung
40 min

Hackerethik - eine Einführung

Verantwortung und Ethik beim schöpferisch-kritischen Umgang…

"The" Social Credit System
61 min

"The" Social Credit System

Why It's Both Better and Worse Than We can Imagine

Opening Event
26 min

Opening Event

35C3: Refreshing Memories

Archäologische Studien im Datenmüll
41 min

Archäologische Studien im Datenmüll

Welche Daten speichert Amazon über uns?

Die verborgene Seite des Mobilfunks
60 min

Die verborgene Seite des Mobilfunks

HF-Störquellen im Uplink

All Your Gesundheitsakten Are Belong To Us
61 min

All Your Gesundheitsakten Are Belong To Us

"So sicher wie beim Online-Banking": Die elektronische…

58 min


Endlich viele neue Gründe zu demonstrieren

Internet of Dongs
32 min

Internet of Dongs

A long way to a vibrant future

Die dreckige Empirie
61 min

Die dreckige Empirie

Kann man empirischen Studien trauen?

The Precariat: A Disruptive Class for Disruptive Times.
57 min

The Precariat: A Disruptive Class for Disruptive Times.

Why and How the Precariat will define the Global…

Inside the AMD Microcode ROM
37 min

Inside the AMD Microcode ROM

(Ab)Using AMD Microcode for fun and security

How to teach programming to your loved ones
59 min

How to teach programming to your loved ones

Enabling students over example-driven teaching

SiliVaccine: North Korea's Weapon of Mass Detection
52 min

SiliVaccine: North Korea's Weapon of Mass Detection

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Backdoor

Space Ops 101
62 min

Space Ops 101

An introduction to Spacecraft Operations

How does the Internet work?
50 min

How does the Internet work?

An explanation of Inter-Net and everyday protocols

Funkzellenabfrage: Die alltägliche Rasterfahndung unserer Handydaten
58 min

Funkzellenabfrage: Die alltägliche Rasterfahndung unserer Handydaten

Wie wir alle regelmäßig den Behörden ins Netz gehen und wie…

Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages
61 min

Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages

How to write PCIe drivers in Rust, go, C#, Swift, Haskell,…

A deep dive into the world of DOS viruses
38 min

A deep dive into the world of DOS viruses

Explaining in detail just how those little COM files…

Hacking how we see
58 min

Hacking how we see

A way to fix lazy eye?

37 min


Mein DIY-Smartphone-Bau

Viva la Vita Vida
56 min

Viva la Vita Vida

Hacking the most secure handheld console

"Das ist mir nicht erinnerlich." − Der NSU-Komplex heute
63 min

"Das ist mir nicht erinnerlich." − Der NSU-Komplex heute

Fünf Monate nach dem Urteil im ersten NSU-Prozess

Attacking end-to-end email encryption
60 min

Attacking end-to-end email encryption

Efail, other attacks and lessons learned.

Transmission Control Protocol
39 min

Transmission Control Protocol

TCP/IP basics

Attacking Chrome IPC
54 min

Attacking Chrome IPC

Reliably finding bugs to escape the Chrome sandbox

60 min


Decentralizing semiconductor manufacturing

Modchips of the State
36 min

Modchips of the State

Hardware implants in the supply-chain

The Mars Rover On-board Computer
43 min

The Mars Rover On-board Computer

How Curiosity's Onboard Computer works, and what you can…

Was schützt eigentlich der Datenschutz?
62 min

Was schützt eigentlich der Datenschutz?

Warum DatenschützerInnen aufhören müssen von individueller…

Locked up science
41 min

Locked up science

Tearing down paywalls in scholarly communication

Frontex: Der europäische Grenzgeheimdienst
41 min

Frontex: Der europäische Grenzgeheimdienst

Das Grenzüberwachungssystem EUROSUR führt Aufklärungsdaten…

Hunting the Sigfox: Wireless IoT Network Security
38 min

Hunting the Sigfox: Wireless IoT Network Security

Dissecting the radio protocol of Sigfox, the global…

61 min


why clearing memory is hard.

Stalking, Spy Apps, Doxing: Digitale Gewalt gegen Frauen
44 min

Stalking, Spy Apps, Doxing: Digitale Gewalt gegen Frauen

Die digitale Seite der häuslichen Gewalt

Desinformation und Fake News
42 min

Desinformation und Fake News

Bekämpfung und Verifizierung leicht gemacht

Open Source Firmware
49 min

Open Source Firmware

Eine Liebesgeschichte

Genom-Editierung mit CRISPR/Cas
44 min

Genom-Editierung mit CRISPR/Cas

“Eine neue Hoffnung” oder “Angriff der Klonkrieger”?

Jailbreaking iOS
47 min

Jailbreaking iOS

From past to present

34 min


The decentralized P2P gossip protocol

Artistic PCB Design and Fabrication
36 min

Artistic PCB Design and Fabrication

From doodle to manufacture: how I make mechanically…

Netzpolitischer Wetterbericht 2018
42 min

Netzpolitischer Wetterbericht 2018

Die Höhen und Tiefen der deutschen und europäischen…

Quantum Mechanics
57 min

Quantum Mechanics

A Gentle Introduction

Self-encrypting deception
58 min

Self-encrypting deception

weaknesses in the encryption of solid state drives (SSDs)

Radical Digital Painting
40 min

Radical Digital Painting

Fantastic Media Manipulation

The Layman's Guide to Zero-Day Engineering
57 min

The Layman's Guide to Zero-Day Engineering

A demystification of the exploit development lifecycle

MicroPython – Python for Microcontrollers
41 min

MicroPython – Python for Microcontrollers

How high-level scripting languages make your hardware…

G10, BND-Gesetz und der effektive Schutz vor Grundrechten
58 min

G10, BND-Gesetz und der effektive Schutz vor Grundrechten

Die strategische Fernmeldeüberwachung des BND vor dem…

Chaos Communication Slam
101 min

Chaos Communication Slam

Technische Liebesgedichte & Horrorgeschichten im…

Computer, die über Asyl (mit)entscheiden
59 min

Computer, die über Asyl (mit)entscheiden

Wie das BAMF seine Probleme mit Technik lösen wollte und…

36 min


The sumo robot fight for the technically ungifted

Sneaking In Network Security
60 min

Sneaking In Network Security

Enforcing strong network segmentation, without anyone…

Taming the Chaos: Can we build systems that actually work?
58 min

Taming the Chaos: Can we build systems that actually work?

Possible paths from today's ghastly hackery to what…

A WebPage in Three Acts
41 min

A WebPage in Three Acts

live coding performance

Kernel Tracing With eBPF
54 min

Kernel Tracing With eBPF

Unlocking God Mode on Linux

Microtargeting und Manipulation
43 min

Microtargeting und Manipulation

Von Cambridge Analytica zur EU-Wahl

A farewell to soul-crushing code
60 min

A farewell to soul-crushing code

Towards correct software that enriches our lives

35C3 Infrastructure Review
65 min

35C3 Infrastructure Review

Up and to the right: All the statistics about this event…

Let's reverse engineer the Universe
60 min

Let's reverse engineer the Universe

exploring the dark

It Always Feels Like the Five Eyes Are Watching You
64 min

It Always Feels Like the Five Eyes Are Watching You

Five Eyes’ Quest For Security Has Given Us Widespread…

#afdwegbassen: Protest, (Club-)Kultur und antifaschistischer Widerstand
68 min

#afdwegbassen: Protest, (Club-)Kultur und antifaschistischer Widerstand

Über kreative Organisation, poltische Aktionen und das…

Court in the Akten
40 min

Court in the Akten

OpenSchufa und OffeneGesetze

62 min


… und das Rennen um den schnellsten Computer der Welt

SD-WAN a New Hop
49 min

SD-WAN a New Hop

How to hack software defined network and keep your sanity?

Election Cybersecurity Progress Report
59 min

Election Cybersecurity Progress Report

Will the U.S. be ready for 2020?

A Blockchain Picture Book
36 min

A Blockchain Picture Book

Blockchain origins and related buzzwords, described in…

Closing Event
27 min

Closing Event

How medicine discovered sex
54 min

How medicine discovered sex

Introduction to sex- and gender-sensitive medicine

Wallet Security
35 min

Wallet Security

How (not) to protect private keys

Digital Airwaves
46 min

Digital Airwaves

Software Defined Radio Basics and some Modulation Theory

Going Deep Underground to Watch the Stars
47 min

Going Deep Underground to Watch the Stars

Neutrino Astronomy with Hyper-Kamiokande

All Creatures Welcome
42 min

All Creatures Welcome

a utopian documentary about the digital age

Web-based Cryptojacking in the Wild
39 min

Web-based Cryptojacking in the Wild

When your browser is mining coins for other people

Domain Name System
42 min

Domain Name System

Hierarchical decentralized naming system used since 30 years

Provable Security
59 min

Provable Security

How I learned to stop worrying and love the backdoor

43 min


… und warum ihr dabei mitmachen solltet

Die Häuser denen, die darin wohnen!
41 min

Die Häuser denen, die darin wohnen!

Langfristig bezahlbares, gemeinsames „Mieteigentum“…

Information Biology - Investigating the information flow in living systems
37 min

Information Biology - Investigating the information flow in living systems

From cells to dynamic models of biochemical pathways and …

Kosmische Teilchenbeschleuniger und ihre Spuren in der Antarktis
49 min

Kosmische Teilchenbeschleuniger und ihre Spuren in der Antarktis

Über die Identifikation des ersten kosmischen…

Schweiz: Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn
37 min

Schweiz: Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn

Massenüberwachung, Netzsperren und andere netzpolitische…

Are machines feminine?
60 min

Are machines feminine?

exploring the relations between design and perception of…

SymbiFlow - Finally the GCC of FPGAs!
62 min

SymbiFlow - Finally the GCC of FPGAs!

A fully FOSS, Verilog to bitstream, timing driven, cross…

Simulating Universes
60 min

Simulating Universes

What Virtual Universes Can Tell Us About Our Own

Freedom needs fighters!
60 min

Freedom needs fighters!

Wie die GFF mit strategischen Klagen für Freiheitsrechte…

Feminist Perspectives
77 min

Feminist Perspectives

Inclusive and Diverse Spaces and Communities

Wind: Off-Grid Services for Everyday People
60 min

Wind: Off-Grid Services for Everyday People

Integrating nearby and offline connectivity with the…

Analyze the Facebook algorithm and reclaim data sovereignty
63 min

Analyze the Facebook algorithm and reclaim data sovereignty

Algorithms define your priorities. Who else besides you can…

What is Good Technology?
55 min

What is Good Technology?

Answers & practical guidelines for engineers.

61 min


Tamper Proofing Commodity Hardware and other Applications

Kickstart the Chaos: Hackerspace gründen für Anfänger
38 min

Kickstart the Chaos: Hackerspace gründen für Anfänger

Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus unbetreuter Vereinsmeierei

Conquering Large Numbers at the LHC
41 min

Conquering Large Numbers at the LHC

From 1 000 000 000 000 000 to 10: Breaking down 14 Orders…

The Enemy
61 min

The Enemy

War, Journalism, VR

Internet, the Business Side
62 min

Internet, the Business Side

a try to explain the ecosystem

The good, the strange and the ugly in 2018 art &tech
55 min

The good, the strange and the ugly in 2018 art &tech

On art, AI, hormones hacking and other prospects of a…

Never Forgetti
40 min

Never Forgetti

a didactic live-gaming performance about dying women across…

Hacking Ecology
60 min

Hacking Ecology

How Data Scientists can help to avoid a sixth global…

Projekt Hannah
61 min

Projekt Hannah

Ein open-source Hardware- und Software-Design für…

Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems for Hobbyists
38 min

Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems for Hobbyists

Essential Tools for Developing, Testing and Debugging…

The nextpnr FOSS FPGA place-and-route tool
46 min

The nextpnr FOSS FPGA place-and-route tool

the next step forward in open source FPGA tools

The Urban Organism
29 min

The Urban Organism

Hacking [in] Hong Kong

Tactical Embodiment
54 min

Tactical Embodiment

Activism and Performance In Hostile Spaces Online

Theater und Quantenzeitalter
57 min

Theater und Quantenzeitalter

„Die Parallelwelt“- Das Schauspiel Dortmund und die…

Cat & Mouse: Evading the Censors in 2018
55 min

Cat & Mouse: Evading the Censors in 2018

Preserving access to the open Internet with circumvention…

Planes and Ships and Saving Lives
56 min

Planes and Ships and Saving Lives

How soft and hardware can play a key role in saving lives…

The foodsaving grassroots movement
37 min

The foodsaving grassroots movement

How cooperative online structures can facilitate…

The Surveillance State limited by acts of courage and conscience
59 min

The Surveillance State limited by acts of courage and conscience

An update on the fate of the Snowden Refugees

A la recherche de l'information perdue
54 min

A la recherche de l'information perdue

some technofeminist reflections on Wikileaks

Electronic Evicence in Criminal Matters
46 min

Electronic Evicence in Criminal Matters

An introduction and critique of the EC proposal for a…

39 min


Disobedient Innovation

The Critical Making Movement
60 min

The Critical Making Movement

How using critical thinking in technological practice can…

Afroroutes: Africa Elsewhere
38 min

Afroroutes: Africa Elsewhere

VR experience "Beyond Slavery"

Transhuman Expression
62 min

Transhuman Expression

Interdisciplinary research in Painting and Robotics. with…

C2X: The television will not be revolutionized.
49 min

C2X: The television will not be revolutionized.

From Cyberfeminism to XenoFeminism

Media Disruption Led By The Blind
31 min

Media Disruption Led By The Blind

Hacking Visual Culture

Reality Check! Basel/Lagos?? In virtual reality?
56 min

Reality Check! Basel/Lagos?? In virtual reality?

An African tale of art, culture and technology