Events for tag "24c3"

Meine Finger gehören mir
58 min

Meine Finger gehören mir

Die nächste Stufe der biometrischen Vollerfassung

Overtaking Proprietary Software Without Writing Code
65 min

Overtaking Proprietary Software Without Writing Code

"a few rough insights on sharpening free software"

10GE monitoring live!
59 min

10GE monitoring live!

How to find that special one out of millions

EU Policy on RFID & Privacy
60 min

EU Policy on RFID & Privacy

Developments 2007, Outlook 2008

C64-DTV Hacking
57 min

C64-DTV Hacking

Revisiting the legendary computer in a joystick

23 Wege für Deine Rechte zu kämpfen
52 min

23 Wege für Deine Rechte zu kämpfen

Wie man sich selbst mit den eigenen Stärken für unsere…

Linguistic Hacking
58 min

Linguistic Hacking

How to know what a text in an unknown language is about?

Digital Sustainability
58 min

Digital Sustainability

Scarcity is Entering the Net

DIY Survival
39 min

DIY Survival

How to survive the apocalypse or a robot uprising

Hacking SCADA
57 min

Hacking SCADA

how to own critical infrastructures

Space Communism
21 min

Space Communism

Communism or Space first?

Der Bundestrojaner
70 min

Der Bundestrojaner

Die Wahrheit haben wir auch nicht, aber gute Mythen

Security Nightmares 2008
90 min

Security Nightmares 2008

Oder: worüber wir nächstes Jahr lachen werden

60 min


The Virus Underground

Dining Cryptographers, The Protocol
54 min

Dining Cryptographers, The Protocol

Even slower than Tor and JAP together!

Spiel, Freude, Eierkuchen?
57 min

Spiel, Freude, Eierkuchen?

Die Gamerszene und ihre Reaktion auf kritische…

To be or I2P
50 min

To be or I2P

An introduction into anonymous communication with I2P

Hacking ICANN
58 min

Hacking ICANN

tactics to hack the individual into the ICANN system

Absurde Mathematik
32 min

Absurde Mathematik

Paradoxa wider die mathematische Intuition

Elektronische Dokumente und die Zukunft des Lesens
65 min

Elektronische Dokumente und die Zukunft des Lesens

Warum es so ewig gedauert hat, bis Bücher auf geeigneten…

Toying with barcodes
45 min

Toying with barcodes

Jemandem einen Strich auf die Rechnung machen

Die Wahrheit und was wirklich passierte
63 min

Die Wahrheit und was wirklich passierte

Jede Geschichte hat vier Seiten.

After C: D, libd and the Slate project
51 min

After C: D, libd and the Slate project

A clean slate for operating systems

Chaos Jahresrückblick
87 min

Chaos Jahresrückblick

Ein Überblick über die Aktivitäten des Clubs 2007

What is terrorism?
71 min

What is terrorism?

And who is terrorising whom?

Unusual Web Bugs
44 min

Unusual Web Bugs

A Web Hacker's Bag O' Tricks

Tracker fahrn
75 min

Tracker fahrn

We Track Harder - We Track More! Take the pain out of…

A collection of random things
46 min

A collection of random things

Look what I found under the carpet

Modelling Infectious Diseases in Virtual Realities
52 min

Modelling Infectious Diseases in Virtual Realities

The "corrupted blood" plague of WoW from an epidemiological…

<NO>OOXML - A 12 euros campaign
63 min

<NO>OOXML - A 12 euros campaign

Against Microsoft Office's broken standard

Steam-Powered Telegraphy
38 min

Steam-Powered Telegraphy

A League of Telextraordinary Gentlemen present the marvel…

From Ring Zero to UID Zero
42 min

From Ring Zero to UID Zero

A couple of stories about kernel exploiting

Wireless Kernel Tweaking
63 min

Wireless Kernel Tweaking

or how B.A.T.M.A.N. learned to fly

All Tomorrow&#39;s Condensation
48 min

All Tomorrow's Condensation

A steampunk puppet extravaganza by monochrom and friends

57 min


Paradoxien des deutschen Wahlsystems

Introduction in MEMS
40 min

Introduction in MEMS

Skills for very small ninjas

I know who you clicked last summer
52 min

I know who you clicked last summer

A swiss army knife for automatic social investigation

Playstation Portable Cracking
34 min

Playstation Portable Cracking

How In The End We Got It All!

Desperate House-Hackers
56 min

Desperate House-Hackers

How to Hack the Pfandsystem

Design Noir
50 min

Design Noir

The seedy underbelly of electronic engineering

The Arctic Cold War
58 min

The Arctic Cold War

The silent battle for claiming and controlling the Arctic

Sex 2.0
50 min

Sex 2.0

Hacking Heteronormativity

Lieber Cyborg als Göttin
52 min

Lieber Cyborg als Göttin

Politischer Hacktivismus und Cyborgfeminismus

Programming DNA
60 min

Programming DNA

A 2-bit language for engineering biology

Crouching Powerpoint, Hidden Trojan
53 min

Crouching Powerpoint, Hidden Trojan

An analysis of targeted attacks from 2005 to 2007

Open Source Lobbying, tips from the trenches
60 min

Open Source Lobbying, tips from the trenches

From one angry e-mail to writing national policy on open…

Analysis of Sputnik Data from 23C3
57 min

Analysis of Sputnik Data from 23C3

Attempts to regenerate lost sequences

Hacker Jeopardy
109 min

Hacker Jeopardy

Die ultimative Hacker-Quizshow

Hacking in the age of declining everything
70 min

Hacking in the age of declining everything

What can we do when everything we thought turns out to be…

It was a bad idea anyway...
59 min

It was a bad idea anyway...

The demise of electronic voting in The Netherlands

One Token to Rule Them All
48 min

One Token to Rule Them All

Post-Exploitation Fun in Windows Environments

59 min


Little Security, Despite Obscurity

Inside the Mac OS X Kernel
42 min

Inside the Mac OS X Kernel

Debunking Mac OS Myths