Search for person "Tobias Zillner "

What's cooking in GNOME?
73 min

What's cooking in GNOME?

GNOME 3.12 - Design Decisions, Main Changes, Future Visions

Eliminating DOM-based XSS
49 min

Eliminating DOM-based XSS

Or: How taint tracking in Chromium works

Hacking German Elections
63 min

Hacking German Elections

Insecure Electronic Vote Counting - How It Returned and Why…

Free Software Virtual Singer
47 min

Free Software Virtual Singer

Dehumanize the Human Voice

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate.
60 min

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate.

You have a tracking device in your pocket

The JPEG is dead! Long live the JPEG!
51 min

The JPEG is dead! Long live the JPEG!

A tour de force of major developments in open source image…

Seit wir SCRUM machen ist alles super. Nicht!
42 min

Seit wir SCRUM machen ist alles super. Nicht!

Wenn sich agile Methoden wie ein Fremdkörper anfühen?