Search for person "Thies Mueller (td00)"

The World of Searchable Encryption
54 min

The World of Searchable Encryption

A glimpse into advanced cryptogrpahic schemes

What's cooking in GNOME?
73 min

What's cooking in GNOME?

GNOME 3.12 - Design Decisions, Main Changes, Future Visions

Unlocked! Recovering files taken hostage by ransomware
40 min

Unlocked! Recovering files taken hostage by ransomware

Decrypting files hijacked by the "second most used…

Eliminating DOM-based XSS
49 min

Eliminating DOM-based XSS

Or: How taint tracking in Chromium works

All Creatures Welcome
42 min

All Creatures Welcome

a utopian documentary about the digital age

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption
58 min

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption

A brief introduction to search over encrypted data

How Alice and Bob meet if they don't like onions
61 min

How Alice and Bob meet if they don't like onions

Survey of Network Anonymisation Techniques