Chaos Communication Camp 2019


Full playlist: Video / Audio
A mobile phone that respects your freedom
45 min

A mobile phone that respects your freedom

Experiences and lessons learned from 2 years of development…

1 min


20 Jahre Camp
86 min

20 Jahre Camp

die Evolution des Chaos Communication Camps

Achtung, Datenpannen!
108 min

Achtung, Datenpannen!

Die große Datenschutz- und DSGVO-Show

card10 assembly
4 min

card10 assembly

Introduction to (home) network security.
41 min

Introduction to (home) network security.

A beginner-friendly guide to network segmentation for…

Infrastructure Review
46 min

Infrastructure Review

card10 Badge
31 min

card10 Badge

Hacking Containers and Kubernetes
43 min

Hacking Containers and Kubernetes

Exploiting and protecting containers with a few lines of…

Fangespielen mit IMSI-Catchern
34 min

Fangespielen mit IMSI-Catchern

Warum IMSI Catcher schlecht "Verstecken" spielen

Opening Ceremony
36 min

Opening Ceremony

Mit dem Getränkeautomaten in die Cloud
30 min

Mit dem Getränkeautomaten in die Cloud

Über die (Un-)Sicherheit eines Bezahlsystems

Die 5G-Überwachungsstandards
39 min

Die 5G-Überwachungsstandards

Cops Gegen Telekoms im ETSI

The Limits of General Purpose SDR devices
46 min

The Limits of General Purpose SDR devices

Why an SDR board like a USRP or LimeSDR is not a cellular…

Taking Bluetooth lockpicking to the next level
46 min

Taking Bluetooth lockpicking to the next level

...or the 37th floor of a Hotel

IT-Sicherheit in vernetzten Gebäuden
46 min

IT-Sicherheit in vernetzten Gebäuden

Was kann man noch retten, wenn langlebigen Strukturen…

32 min


a tech opera

The Great British Drone Panic
43 min

The Great British Drone Panic

Asking for better standards of official investigation and…

Little Big Data
46 min

Little Big Data

Spurensuche in elektronischen Teilnehmerverzeichnissen

DoH or Don't
43 min

DoH or Don't

The dilemma of DNS privacy protocols

Deaths per TWh
41 min

Deaths per TWh

The Price of Energy and Reducing CO2 Emissions

Knoten 101
33 min

Knoten 101

Can you knot or can you not ?

c3Power Monitoring CCCamp 19
39 min

c3Power Monitoring CCCamp 19

Strom in Bits und Bytes visualisiert

Lightning Talks
178 min

Lightning Talks

47 min


How to make (nearly) everything from electricity.

spispy: SPI flash device emulation
32 min

spispy: SPI flash device emulation

Open source tools for flash emulation and research

51 min


Wie das Fusion Festival sich erfolgreich gegen anlasslose…

Die Zukunft hat zwei Wellen
31 min

Die Zukunft hat zwei Wellen

Ein Blick auf die Zukunft der Freifunk-Hardware (und was…

Make Your Tech and Wear It Too
51 min

Make Your Tech and Wear It Too

Stories from an e-textile tailor

Hambacher Forst #hambibleibt
43 min

Hambacher Forst #hambibleibt

Vom Widerstand gegen Braunkohletagebaue, die…

#Defensive statt #Offensive am Beispiel von KRITIS
62 min

#Defensive statt #Offensive am Beispiel von KRITIS

aka Ethik rekalibrieren

Ethikrichtlinien für Künstliche Intelligenz? Wie wär's mit Gesetzen?
50 min

Ethikrichtlinien für Künstliche Intelligenz? Wie wär's mit Gesetzen?

Wie die Industrie mit Debatten um "ethische KI" Zeit kauft

Closing ceremony
29 min

Closing ceremony

Domain computers have accounts, too!
40 min

Domain computers have accounts, too!

Owning machines through relaying and delegation

Introduction to Mix Networks and Katzenpost
47 min

Introduction to Mix Networks and Katzenpost

a new anonymity movement

Making video games in a weekend
34 min

Making video games in a weekend

The why and how of game jams

Nachhaltige Blockchains
46 min

Nachhaltige Blockchains

statt Digital und Dreckig

Solare Brennstoffe - Wasserstoff aus Sonnenlicht
41 min

Solare Brennstoffe - Wasserstoff aus Sonnenlicht

Solarzellen können nicht nur Strom erzeugen

Automated security testing for Software Developers who dont know security!
49 min

Automated security testing for Software Developers who dont know security!

secure your apps and servers through continuous integration

Tales from Hardware Security Research
45 min

Tales from Hardware Security Research

From Research over Vulnerability Discovery to Public…

75 Jahre Journalismus im WWW
45 min

75 Jahre Journalismus im WWW

the untold stories

From DC to RF...starting where?
43 min

From DC to RF...starting where?

An analog engineer dives into RF circuits

Updates from the Onion
43 min

Updates from the Onion

The Road to Mobile Tor and Improved Censorship Circumvention

On bendy inflatables and travelling techno
43 min

On bendy inflatables and travelling techno

Or, making hackercamp installations for cheap

From the Sputnik 'Beep' to messages from Pluto
35 min

From the Sputnik 'Beep' to messages from Pluto

Signals from Space 101

Mapping Doomsday
42 min

Mapping Doomsday

Using OSINT to monitor and predict environmental conflicts

Architecture of secure IoT devices
48 min

Architecture of secure IoT devices

Security by design

Anykernels meet fuzzing
43 min

Anykernels meet fuzzing

how to make NetBSD a better software for you and me

"Service Point" The Display
38 min

"Service Point" The Display

A tale of four generations

Beyond the Pile of Knobs
46 min

Beyond the Pile of Knobs

Redesigning NoScript’s UX

Was tun gegen Digitale Gewalt gegen Frauen
41 min

Was tun gegen Digitale Gewalt gegen Frauen

"Nicht dem Phänomen Cybercrime im engeren Sinne zuzuordnen"…

schleuderpackung 2.0
39 min

schleuderpackung 2.0

TeXnische Aspekte und Umsetzung in der DS-Redaktion

Fighting back against Libra - Decentralizing Facebook Connect
41 min

Fighting back against Libra - Decentralizing Facebook Connect

Nym Anonymous Authentication Credentials

Zombie Apocalypse vs. International Health Regulations
42 min

Zombie Apocalypse vs. International Health Regulations

Introducing a very important piece of international law and…

35 min


Hacker im Museum

River Crab, Harmony and Euphemism
45 min

River Crab, Harmony and Euphemism

A Peek at Chinese Online Culture under the Censorship

Visualization of networks using physics
36 min

Visualization of networks using physics

How algorithms inspired by the laws of physics can create…

Cyborg Foundation
27 min

Cyborg Foundation

Transpecies Society

Reporting from Brussels: The state of Digital Rights
45 min

Reporting from Brussels: The state of Digital Rights

How is our fight impacted by the new EU political landscape?

Wisdom of OS
48 min

Wisdom of OS

An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible

Technopolice: calling out so-called "Safe Cities"
39 min

Technopolice: calling out so-called "Safe Cities"

Decentralising the fight against automated surveillance in…

Caught in the Net
44 min

Caught in the Net

The Impact of Anti-Extremism Content Regulation on Human…

Privacy: An Unequally Distributed Resource
45 min

Privacy: An Unequally Distributed Resource

A Study of Privacy as Privilege in Our World

TAPS Transport Services API
44 min

TAPS Transport Services API

Retiring the BSD Socket API

Love, CyBorgs, Art and Open Source – an artistic approach on how to stay golden
30 min

Love, CyBorgs, Art and Open Source – an artistic approach on how to stay golden

How to educate society through the language of art