How to Test Enterprise Java Applications
Alex Soto Bueno (Diagnostic Grifols)
Ten years ago to present, Enterprise Java Applications have suffered many changes. We have moved from Enterprise Applications built with JSP+Servlet and EJB, to much more complex applications. Nowadays with the advent of HTML5 or JavaScript libraries like JQuery, client side development has changed significantly. With the emergence of web frameworks like Spring MVC or JSF, server side code has quite changed compared to the one used when each web-form was mapped to a Servlet. And also persistence layer has changed with Java Persistence standard or with new database approaches like Data-Grid, Key-Values stores or Document stores. Moreover, architectural changes have occurred too, REST-web applications have grown in popularity or AJAX is used to create asynchronous web applications. Due to development of Enterprise Java Applications have changed during these years, so testing frameworks have changed accordantly. The main topic of this speech will be how to test Enterprise Java Applications using these new frameworks. In the first part of this presentation we are going to explore how to test JavaScript written on client side, how to write unit tests of server side code, and how to validate persistence layer. Next part of presentation will be focused on how to write integration tests on server side and acceptance tests on full Enterprise Java Applications (joining client and server side) and an introduction about testing REST-web applications. Finally we will show how to integrate all kind of test on your continuous integration system and run acceptance tests on test environment. Session will combine theory with interactive practice using only open-source projects.
Über den Autor Alex Soto Bueno: Alex Soto discovered Java during second year of his studies in computer science and wrote his Master's Thesis on Emergent Intelligence applied to Data Mining, winning the second prize of Hermano Salvador González contest. During his 11 years of software development, Alex has worked in several companies as technical consultant, and currently is working as technical analyst at a major international pharmaceutical company developing in-vitro medical devices meeting FDA standards. Alex also works as tutor at Open University of Catalonia (UOC), teaching Compilers course. He spends his free time to write in his blog where some posts are published in sites like dzone, theserverside and springsource and collaborating with open source projects like Thymeleaf or Flyway. Currently is writing a practical book about how to apply ALM with open source tools.