Huey: Pivoting hundreds of millions of rows in the Browser
Blazing fast in-browser Analytics based on DuckDB/WASM
Huey is a browser-based application that lets you explore and analyze large local datasets with an interactive pivot table. Huey is blazing fast, courtesy of DuckDB / WASM. It can load data in .csv, .parquet or JSON format, and it can also open DuckDB database files.
Huey's key features are:
- An intuitive and responsive pivot table that supports filtering and (sub)totals
- Supports many different aggregate functions for reporting and data exploration
- Automatic breakdown of date/time columns into separate parts (year, month, quarter etc) for reporting
- Supports reading .parquet, .csv, .json and .duckdb database files. (Support for reading MS -
Excel .xlsx files and .sqlite is planned)
- Export of results and/or SQL queries to file or clipboard
- Blazing fast, even for large files - courtesy of DuckDB
- Zero install. Download or checkout the source tree, and open src/index.html in your browser! No server required.
Note: although Huey can run locally, there is nothing that keeps you from deploying it in a webserver if you want to.
DuckDB / WASM enables web developers to build light-weight OLAP and analytics applications directly in the browser. Thanks to DuckDB, performance is blazing fast, while memory consumption remains modest. In this lecture I will demonstrate Huey's features and explain how it was build using DuckDB / WASM
DuckDB as well as Huey are open source under a permissive MIT license. Find Huey source on github:
Live demo: