Adventures in DIY Electronic Instruments
A talk which will appeal to anyone who has an interest in making their own electronic music instruments and noise makers. Starting simply, with creating your own contact mics and spring reverbs, progressing all the way to creating your own midi controllers and fully programmable digital audio effects. The concept is to show you how easy it is to get started (I had no formal electronics background, and just learnt from experimenting) and inspire you to get started making NOISE.
The talk will cover my personal journey through DIY instrument building, which I embarked on initially to build a simple item I needed for my live performance, and rapidly spiralled out of control!
Here are some examples:
About the artist:
Cutlasses is the solo project of musician and DIY electronic instrument maker, Scott Pitkethly.
He has given a number of of talks on the subject of DIY instrument building, as well as talks on other programming related subjects. His electronic instruments won the Music Hackspace DIY Instrument award, and have featured on sites such as Hackaday and Create Digital Music. The homemade instruments combine both analogue and digital electronics to manipulate and deconstruct audio.