Building a FOSS firmware for the AT860D hot-air soldering station
A firmware was written from scratch to replace the stock one on the Atten AT860D hot-air stations. It is implemented in PIC16F887 assembler, and buildable using the FOSS gputils toolchain. This talk describes the reverse-engineering of the hardware, the layering of subsystems from HAL to UI, and implementation of the subsystems. Ideas for improvement and lessons learned.
This would be based on my blog post at
The code is available under GPL-3 at
A proof-of-concept of an event-based RTOS for PIC16F is in, which is an extension to the code structure used in the firmware.
The duration is flexible 25-45 min, depending on the interests of the audience, and how deep they want to go on ZCC/PFC triac control, PIC assembler, and event-based vs state-based code structuring.
(The form required me to add a session image, so I did, though the text suggests it's optional. :)