Playlist "Using Open Street Mapping to map Incidence of Malaria among Vulnerable People of Luano District, central Zambia"
Using Open Street Mapping to map Incidence of Malaria among Vulnerable People of Luano District, central Zambia
Using Open Street Mapping to map Incidence of Malaria among Vulnerable People of Luano District, central Zambia
This is a Research project for the YouthMappers.
This study investigates the incidence of malaria among the vulnerable people living in a remote area of Zambia. Since the area is prone to flooding, the incidence of malaria is very high. The study will use ODK a mobile based data application to collect data and QGIS to analyze the data. The study is important because the data that will be collected will be useful to the Ministry of Health and other organizations that have interest in community health and human security. The all research project is based on the open street map.
This Research has 3 focusing objectives as follows’
(a) Map the incidence of malaria in Luano district using Open Street Mapping techniques.
(b) Determining the burden of malaria epidemics in the area.
(c) Determine the impact of the incidence of malaria on the socio-economic wellbeing of the people in the area.