Open source tool set for geology
You recently saw a picture of a big hole in space. We now propose you to visualize holes in the ground.
As a science directly based on location, Geology makes intensive use of GIS softwares, not only to see boreholes.
As a matter of fact, geology needs efficient tools to store, visualize and analyze large datasets of informations in 2D and 3D. We propose a set of opensource softwares based on existing GIS components (QGIS, PostGIS) to answer these problematics.
This presentation will detail the different tools developed by Oslandia :
- **Albion** : reconstruct 3D geological model from wells information
- **CtrlCraft** : open-pit mines management and optimization
- **OpenStope** : underground mine stope editor
- and finally a tool to visualize stratigraphic logs and timeseries
We will demo their usage and demonstrate how they allow production gains for geologists.