State of deegree 2019
Torsten Friebe, Dirk Stenger and Stephan Reichhelm
State of deegree 2019 provides an update on our community and reviews the latest and noteworthy features of [deegree webservices](
Initiated in 2002 the OSGeo project deegree has developed over the last 17 years to an important building block for Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). As the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive is fully underway it requires stable and mature software solutions based on OGC standards such as GML, WFS and WMS. One of the goals of the deegree project is to provide implementation of those standards.
In this talk, after a short overview of the current status, we will focus on the recent improvements available in deegree such as GeoJSON support and our roadmap for Java 11 and OpenJDK.
Finally, we will explore potential future directions for the project and show what future developments are currently planned such as the support for the OGC WFS 3.0 standard.