Open source chip design
For the last 3 years Google has pushed to enable open-source tools and PDK - Today we have 3 fully Open-source PDKs (Process development kits) for 180nm, 130nm and 90nm in the making. More than 500 chips have been designed and are public available on Efabless repos. All paid by Google and US chip act money.
I have been a part of this growing community over the last couple of years - We have yearly conferences and the open-source nature of what we do, has fostered a lot of innovation in the way we do chip design. We see new FPGA vendors with architectures that only relies on open-source toolchain, we have toolchain that can build a rather complex RISK-V processors in hours and for the analog design we work on generators wirtten in Python that can create circuit and layout from high level.
We see a strong pull for chip designers and with our new open-source tools and PDKs - It has never been more fun to do chip design.