Playlist "Bits & Bäume 2022"
🌟 B&B Panel: Transformative Business Models and the Socio-Ecological Transformation (EN)
Prof. Dr. Henning Breuer, Dr. Iana Nesterova, Laura Niessen and Christian Kroll
What kind of digital and sustainable business models are out there? What challenges do they face and how could their concepts be scaled for the whole society? At this B&B stage Christian Kroll (founder of Ecosia) will share with us practical experience before a panel will critically examine the role of economic actors in socio-ecological Transformation.
B&B Panel for the Track "Digital and Sustainable - Transformative Business Models". Firstly, Ecosia founder, Christian Kroll, will tell us about sustainable practices at Ecosia and their potential challenges. Afterward, a panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Henning Breuer, Dr. Iana Nesterova, and Laura Niessen will critically examine the role of economic actors for the
Socio-Ecological Transformation.
The aim of the ‘Transformative Business Models’ Track at Bits & Bäume is to elaborate on the role of economic actors for the Socio-Ecological Transformation. The focus will be on the potentials and limitations of entrepreneurial action for an economic transformation, as well as its embedding in political framework conditions. We will shed light on whether shorter working hours, women's quotas, or cooperative work are sufficient or even relevant in the social struggle for a sustainable economy. Moreover, the big question is how the transition to a zero-emissions economy can be supported by digital business models and applications.