Playlist "Bits & Bäume 2022"
Greening RIPE though activism and empathy (EN)
RIPE community is a steward of IP resources as commons for 33 years. As a part of the global Internet governance, RIPE NCC is coordinating administrative & technical operations of the Internet as critical infrastructure. We are now facing the limits of the planet: we are inviting activists & hackers to work together for resilience & justice, by empathically balancing conflicting needs.
RIPE Community is a forum open to all parties interested in wide area IP networks. RIPE community works closely with standardisation organisations like the IETF & domain name registrars like ICANN, & with ISOC, IGF, EuroDIG... Anybody who is interested in the work of RIPE can participate in "Working Groups" on DNS, BGP, IPv6, IoT, IXPs..., through mailing lists and by attending meetings. RIPE activities are performed on a voluntary basis and decisions are formed by consensus.
Since 2018, there has been an increase in awareness of the importance of the "environmental sustainability" topics; for example: https://labs.ripe.net/author/becha/green-tech-2021-compilation/
However, the topics seen as "political" have been seen as inappropriate to the predominantly technical focus of RIPE community -- I'd like to change that. Personally, I have been working on the B&B topic such as ethics in tech, impact on the psyche / mental health, justice, economy, resilience, diversity, inclusion... I am also a trained NVC mediator.
As a Community Builder, at the B&B I am inviting invite more hackers & activists to join the RIPE community -- we need people who feel passionately about politics, climate & justice!
My proposal fits within B&B because of the intersection of technical community & social topics; e.g: https://labs.ripe.net/author/becha/ripe-community-resilience-every-society-has-the-internet-they-deserve/
My other session is a "Forum": "RIPE, tea & empathy".