Lightning Talks Day 2

Playlists: '38c3' videos starting here / audio

Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick!

11:00 Opening Lightningtalks
11:05 400kWp Eigenbau-PV als Genossenschaft,mherweg
11:10 The Shadow Life of Endless Pots.Jakob Kilian
11:15 Chaos Sticker Collection,mwarning
11:20 Eurobox,Ledge
11:25 Midimaxe,polygon
11:30 Hamburg Werbefrei - auf zum Volksbegehren!,N. E. Flick
11:35 Reliable Radio Communications,Bernerd DO3RB
11:40 "The Sound Of Data - Turning planets, DNA and stock prices into music",Jonas Scholten
11:45 "Moderne Landwirtschaft ist kaputt, oder?",twe
11:50 Old-School Demo-Effekte mit pyxel,Marco Bakera
11:55 RegretBlocker,Andreas Haupt
12:00 "Satzungsänderung unter Zuhilfenahme von ReStructuredText, Git und Python",adnidor
12:05 Pfandgeben die Plattform zum Pfandspenden,Chris
12:10 GLED,René
12:15 From Pixels to Procedures: An Open Source Design Suite for 2025,Dennis Kobert
12:20 Das bisschen Haushalt - lässt sich nicht gut verteilen,Rici
12:25 Freie Software in Organisationen - Das geht!,Leonard Marschke
12:30 Inside a modern groovebox,dena
12:35 GNU Boot,Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
12:40 Functional Safety over Industrial Ethernet - Broken by Design,Nick

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