Search for person "Wolf-Dieter Zimmermann"

Alles Fake?
41 min

Alles Fake?

Über die Pluralität von Falschmeldungen.

DG73: Hacking with Care
101 min

DG73: Hacking with Care

Tactical and ethical care for all

"Fluxus cannot save the world."
57 min

"Fluxus cannot save the world."

What hacking has to do with avantgarde art of the 1960ies…

Nicht öffentlich.
65 min

Nicht öffentlich.

Ein Geheimdienst als Zeuge. Szenen aus dem…

Einmal Linux zum Mitnehmen, bitte?
53 min

Einmal Linux zum Mitnehmen, bitte?

10 Semester erfolgreiche Linux Install Partys an der RWTH…

OpenMRS - Open Medical Record System
62 min

OpenMRS - Open Medical Record System

Freie Software für eine bessere Welt

Defend your Freedoms Online: It's Political, Stupid!
61 min

Defend your Freedoms Online: It's Political, Stupid!

A Positive agenda against the next ACTA, SOPA, and such

Analytical Summary of the BlackHole Exploit Kit
51 min

Analytical Summary of the BlackHole Exploit Kit

Almost Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The…

Cyberpeace and Datalove
64 min

Cyberpeace and Datalove

How do we counter the memes of control?

Counterlobbying EU institutions
58 min

Counterlobbying EU institutions

How to attempt to counter the influence of industry…

57 min


What you didn't know about Acrobat

Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms
55 min

Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms

ACTA, IPRED3 and other upcoming battles of the crusade…