Search for person "Andreas Jung"

Recht auf Vergessenwerden
73 min

Recht auf Vergessenwerden

Personenbezogene Daten können aus den Ergebnislisten von…

On Breaking SAML
23 min

On Breaking SAML

Be Whoever You Want to Be

Signal Intelligence und Electronic Warfare
46 min

Signal Intelligence und Electronic Warfare

Wie man nach Hause telefoniert, ohne von einer Rakete…

EFI Rootkits
51 min

EFI Rootkits

Abusing your Firmware to backdoor the kernel

BRAINREPUBLIC - Powered by MongoDB & Co.
55 min

BRAINREPUBLIC - Powered by MongoDB & Co.

Powered by MongoDB und RabbitMQ

Certified programming with dependent types
86 min

Certified programming with dependent types

Because the future of defense is liberal application of math

Defense is not dead
64 min

Defense is not dead

Why we will have more secure computers - tomorrow

Moonbounce Radio Communication
48 min

Moonbounce Radio Communication

To the Moon and back in two seconds. The joy of light speed…

Operating Systems dissected
51 min

Operating Systems dissected

Was passiert im Hintergrund?